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Excuse me, do you have any plans to consider the Chinese language?

While I do plan to make translation possible (the code exists for it in the engine) it is a very large requirement for a small studio to make a translation like that. It is on the "maybe" list.

Hai haiii! Just wanted to let you know this game is really amazing so far where getting to the end of the prototype made me genuinely sad as I was excited to keep going.

Some feedback would be more feedback during battle, like in the combat log having damage dealt to the player show up as one colour and damage dealt as another, but beside that the game is incredibly fun.

As a big fan of your other projects, I wanna know if there's any plans to add themes from other games, like rubbery goop or generification.

Anyway good luck to you, can't wait to support this game when I can x3

We've got a lot of plans, but I don't want to make any promises quite yet.

(1 edit) (+1)

Looks like one of those Japanese amateur petrification game makers has taken notice of Salty's work. They gave a shout-out to Witches of Ravenbrook!

(Rather, it happened about a month ago but I only remembered it just now, with both their game's 1.0 release and Witch Hunter Izana's 1.2 release happening at nearly the same time.)


Yeah I'm a fan of theirs and will be helping to translate Miyu and the Strange Island :3

Neat, a Transformation dungeon crawler, seems primed to be a roguelike sort of thing- though it seems to be going in a more story based direction.

I liked the transformation mechanics, though I feel like somehow there needs to be more, I don't know mechanics attached to being transformed? Looks like there are items and classes that transform you- but nobody really reacts to it.

after downloading, how do i actually launch the game?

The executables are labeled Ravenbrook[libs].exe, or just RavenbrookLinux for the linux build.

sorry, what i meant was, anytime i try to open it i get a blank screen and an error message saying that certain lua and slf files can't be found.

What operating system are you on? If it's not Linux or OSX then it's probably just a reinstall needed.


So thoughts on the Demo...

So please read this after playing yourself...

Beat it on Normal with only a single rerun of a dungeon after Beth to get Momentum rolling, and i didn't have a problem with it.

I rolled the latter part of the Demo over by a Flame up all equipment Apprentice Beth, who did 200+ with basic scorch, Flame Wall was my answers to most enemies. 

My loadout was...

Chris: Maid Puppet Knight, as a sort of Paladin, Melee + Healing Utility. Also Doll Events.

Lore: Loner Knight, Melee DPS

Beth: Apprentice/ Medic, healing and Magic utility, and Soon a walking FlameWall Nuke when i met any real resistance. Beth Became so strong that her getting transformed and then scalding the rest of the Party became the biggest threat endgame.

Chris never left the part at post 3 Influence, and he kind of absorbed most of it, other members never went over 1. So i never got to see the lost to the enemy mechanics.

Really liked the event tag system, one recommendation though, once you click on an event you should be able to choose which character you want handling it in the event, or in some way make sure you don't have to switch characters every-time you see a chest so you need to get your Loner to the front of the party. There's transformation mechanics meant to harm the player but play to their fantasy, then there is sub-optimal menu-ing that takes the player out of the fantasy.

The Artist you have has done a great job, no complaints there.

I liked Lore, but Chris and Beth need fleshing out, it's still a demo so there is time for that.

I wish in post Demo i could set my XP to the point where Dungeons could remain Challenging, I think Dungeons should have Level caps which level you below a certain threshold, you then needing Dungeon long upgrades, some of which then stay options permanently, would be better in a rogue like format. If there is no threat from enemies, then to get TF'd, which is the whole fantasy of this game, you need to intentionally lose, which breaks the fantasy.

I hope this was useful constructive criticism, and praise.


The game looks extremely promising. The main ideas are clear, the execution of them is solid and they offer plenty of room for additions. However, the minor elements are where the cracks of this prototype start showing. First, the math of the money gained and spend is completely off. The costs of powerful equipment was far too low in comparison to the average quality of what I could find and how much money I could get. A rare item isn't rare anymore if it costs 400 and an ordinary encounter drop ~200. There is a clear discrepancy here that ruins the looting aspect. Equipment in the dungeons should be more meaningful, I usually only bothered with the weapons, and the shop should demand more. This continues to my second point, the dungeon running is a bit too predictable. Chests are plentiful and their traps arbitrarily dangerous. HP traps do next to nothing, SP trap and influence traps can be anything from harmless to devastating, yet none of this matters since the mechanic effectively vanishes once Lore joins the party. When it comes to these games, Ero Dungeons has some great curios with plenty of outcomes, but that isn't quite a blueprint of what could be possible here due to some other differences. Here, I think dungeon events could profit from some modifiers. Let me make an example, the clock hands are always on the ground at certain spots, free for the taking. Let's say that these could have modifiers such as enemies guarding them, wandering enemies carrying them, they are inside chests, false ones are lying on the ground with traps attached to them (this would make it more meaningful which one you pick up since a second short one would give away the trap) or other events, like maids looking for them which can either end in a fight, helping maids with a risk of influence or Maid Appearance making this second case less dangerous. Some of these could also be applied to chests for instance, and guarding enemies can be visible on the map, but don't move. This also opens opportunities for clearer enemy behavior outside of combat. Guarding, patrolling, fleeing are all options for them, which would make the dungeoneering more engaging. These are the two main issues I see holding the game back right now. The prototype is already really promising, so I hope the final version will be the best it can be.


Good ideas! I'll take those into consideration. The prototype's balance is quite all over the place, the final version will go through way more iterations.

Love this game. 


Might try to see how this runs on Winlator, an android windows emulator, will update ti see how well it works

Did a small test, I think it's my settings and downloading from my phone, it technically works, but off screen

Can there be any sex scenes in a future update?

Likely as bad ends in the final game.

amazing game so far, although some visual bugs were present at times (mainly dahlia appearing when she shouldn't), it was a pretty good experience! also an option for text speed would be appreciated because holding m1 felt really weird and maybe a separate slider for the "voice" volumes as well because they sound really weird when sped up.

I'm currently working on a patch, text speed will definitely be in it. You can hold Z to speed up dialogue, or Z+X to quickly skip across dialogue.

Well, I will give creditability where its due, it's a good game. It's like Oddessy of Gianna . Hopefully, the transformations can be used in battle rather than as cosmetics. I would love to roleplay as as possessed plant person or even a maid with the same abilities of that of the enemy. And mental transformations are a must for me. At least dialogue-wise. Like, how in witch hunter Izuna, the dialogue changes when you are equipped with a certain charm.  And hopefully, unlike that game, you are allowed to branch out these transformations in order to create unique combos.  My problem with witch hunter izuna in the first place was the fact that in later dungeons, you sort of forced into this situation where the only combo you can perform that even does a remote amount of damage is to let the sword girl power up and hit harder. Not to mention, the level-up system is stupid there and takes forever to even make a difference. So, my suggestion is that you focus first on the transformations and the paths to take. So far, you have done well with the interactions.

Thanks for the feedback! Also, you may have missed the "secret" ending which might whet your appetite a bit:
(Try approaching the hedge maze boss with everyone as a doll, you can use equipment or the puppet class to get there)

Huh...neat! Thanks for the easter egg!

I made it through the tutorial okay, but now the enemies are hitting ridiculously harder.  I have two party members that are doing about 3 damage against one maid doll enemy who's doing 38 damage.  She knocks out my team in three moves.  Am I doing something wrong?  Is there something specific I need to equip?  Or is this a bug in the prototype?

The game is tough, but you can do some things:
Retreat from dungeons to hang onto more XP
Get better weapons
Spells deal fixed damage and don't miss, so you can use up your SP to take out enemies that are tougher than your weapons. Also put modifications into your gear, better than losing it!

(2 edits)

I'm having an issue getting it to launch (might be my inexperience with itch)

As in, it won't go past the "new game" screen when I select it. I'm very inexperienced with using itch, is anyone able to help? I'm on MacOS

This is a known problem, I will be putting out a patch today (if I can) or tomorrow. The issue is only on OSX and only on making a new game.
If you don't want to wait for a fix: Download this save file and places it in your Gamedir/Saves/ folder. Start the game and load the save, it's a save during the introduction. For some reason the game can't start new games but has no problem loading an existing save.

Ohh, thank you! Wasn't sure if I was just having my usual number of computer problems. I can't wait to play! :

possible on android?

Not likely, the engine would need a rewrite.

It's pretty good, will this game remain free?

The game will have a full price of 20$ USD, and a free demo which has a similar amount of stuff to what you see in the prototype.

Will it be on steam like rune of pandemonium?

Good game and really enjoying it thus far. My question is why was it tagged as 'adult' in itch's search filter?

It has some adult themes and the final version will contain nudity even though the prototype technically does not.

Ah okay, that makes sense. I was hoping that was the case, but wasn't sure if it was simply mislabeled. Thank you.

I can't seem to save at all

You can save after exiting the tutorial dungeon and reaching the Hub.

OK, thank you

Really good concept! It feels like im playing omori again really good concept anyway :D